The Cultural Imperialism Against Islam Inkuest Copy Right

The Cultural Imperialism Against Islam

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The Cultural Imperialism Against Islam Inkuest Copy Right

In order to understand the current condition of the Ummah today, it is imperative we recognize that the situation today is the result of a carefully crafted set of phases that were initially set in motion at the height of the colonial age.

Going back in time to when most Muslim lands were colonized, it becomes apparent that as the brutal years of occupation neared their end, the colonizing forces took great care to ensure that the traditions and religions of the past were cut off. In their eager attempts to maintain economic and social control, an elite privileged class of puppets and collaborators were left behind among the population. So even when the colonized people achieved their so-called freedom, their societies fell back into the hands of the same Westernized clique.

Of course, the democratic process was out of the question from the outset and all dictatorial measures were employed to achieve such an objective. It was crucial for the foreign imperialists to bring about such circumstances as the majority of the people detested them and rejected their systems of life. Ironically, even the champions of the so-called essential rights of democracy and political freedom, like the US, UK, and France would deny these “rights” to the Muslim world at large. They knew full well that Islam remains their most formidable rival in political and international affairs, and if democracy was allowed to flourish naturally amongst the Muslims, all Muslim countries would transform into an Islamic state. This they feared the most as it meant losing all stranglehold on Asia and Africa, thus explaining their motive behind all the conspiracies to suppress Islamic movements across the globe.

In light of such efforts, the British government appointed Dr. William Hunter with the task of preparing a comprehensive report on the state of affairs of the Muslims in the subcontinent, and specific measures that could be employed to rule them more effectively. Consequently, in 1871 he wrote, “Our Indian Musalmans: Are they bound in conscience to rebel against the queen?”

To dismantle the order of resistance and facilitate control over the Muslims, he proposed the implementation of English education. In the concluding pages of his book, he advised his colonizing government:

We should thus at length have the Muhammadan youth educated according to our own plan. Without interfering in any way with their religion and in the very process of enabling them to learn their religious duties, we should render that religion, perhaps less sincere, but certainly less fanatical. ‘The rising generation of Muhammadans would then tread the steps which have conducted the Hindus, not long ago the most bigoted nation on earth, into their present state of easy tolerance. Such a tolerance (to modern Western civilization) implies a less earnest belief than their fathers had but it has freed them, as it would liberate the Musalmans from the cruelties which they endured in the name of their mistaken religion… ..It is more than doubtful whether the Muhammadan law should be taught as a regular study incumbent on all. It certainly should not be made the chief object of instruction. For the Muhammadan law means the Muhammadan religion—that religion too, at a time when its followers looked upon the whole earth as their lawful prey and before they had learned the duties of modern Musalman states in alliance with or in subjection to a Christian government…..The study of Muhammadan law no longer answers any requirement of the Government nor does it offer to its students any career in life…..We should instead develop a rising generation of Muhammadans no longer learned in their own narrow learning nor imbued…with the bitter doctrines of their medieval law but tinctured with the sober and genial knowledge of the West… An English training would secure them an entry into the lucrative walks of life….I do not permit myself here to touch upon the means by which through a state of indifference (to their feiths), the Hindus and Musalmans alike may yet reach a higher level of belief. But I firmly believe that that day will come and that our system of -education which has hitherto produced only negative virtues is the first stage towards it.

Dr. Hunter’s predictions have materialized with astonishing accuracy the way he had envisioned it, and today Islamic societies suffer from its consequences. His proposal to “tone down” Islamic rhetoric in political and social aspects can be observed worldwide now. Seldom is Islam mentioned as a political solution, and rarely is it ever mentioned as an alternative to the oppressive economic systems of today. So efficiently implemented was the British educational system that until now most major schools lack adequate knowledge of Islam and its relevance in combating the onslaught of secularism, materialism, and atheism. The sinister goal of the imperialists, to control the minds and intellect of future generations, has tragically come to fruition in the most damaging manner. The Muslim society, once a hallmark for justice and communal prosperity is now riddled with corruption, a deep and subconscious inferiority complex, and a growing tendency to blindly emulate the West.

Perhaps the most famous case was that of Lord Cromer, the mastermind of British imperialism in the Arab world. In his book, “Modern Egypt”, he ends off with a chapter that leaves little doubt in the reader’s mind that his policy was geared toward cultural imperialism rather than direct political intervention:

So far as can be judged at present, only two alternative courses are possible. Egypt must eventually either become autonomous or it must be incorporated into the British empire. Personally I am decidedly in favour of moving in the direction of the former of these alternatives… ..All we have to do is to leave behind us a fairly good, strong and, above all things, stable government which will obviate anarchy and bankruptcy and thus prevent the Egyptian question from again becoming a serious cause of trouble to Europe. We need not inquire too minutely into the acts of such a Government……… But it is essential that, subsequently to our evacuation, that government should. . . .act on principles which will be in conformity with the commonplace requirements of Western civilization…

As stated above, this was the true purpose of the British, and the colonizers in general. The relevancy of which is unquestionable as it gives us a compelling explanation as to why, since the supposed independence of the Muslims, foreign influences have become even more firmly entrenched in our societies. And contrary to the prevailing narrative,  the reality is that our freedom is merely symbolic.

It becomes evident, therefore, why tragic events such as the Algerian genocide or the Iraq war were able to take place. Which is why what is needed to be addressed and highlighted along with the physical oppression, is also the bias which exists in academia against Islam. The Ummah was weakened from the inside to allow easy access to its vulnerabilities. Entire generations of rulers, governors, and highly-positioned academics readily welcomed the atrocities in the name of favoring and pleasing the West. It would be senseless to suggest that the oppressors of today simply woke up one day and decided to invade Muslim lands and subjugate its people. The reality, as has been demonstrated thus far, is that behind the scenes an entire intellectual project was meticulously planned and fully integrated into the policies of the governments of those that colonized Muslims, to allow some rationale and justification for the horror and vilification they so effortlessly implemented upon the Ummah.


Hunter, W. W. The Indian Musalmans: Are They Bound in Conscience to Rebel against the Queen? Trübner, 1871.

Cromer, Evelyn Baring. Modern Egypt. BiblioLife, 2012.

Jameelah, Maryam. Islam and Modernism. Mohammad Yusuf Khan & Sons, 1988.

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