Society & Soul Inkuest copyright

Society & Soul

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Society & Soul Inkuest copyright  

To judge an evolving society is an endeavor that is all too complex, but commonalities do persist in the ever-changing ideas and priorities of mankind. One such commonality regarded highly by all is the quality and makeup of life in the society, as through the pursuit of this do people largely seek fulfillment and contentment.

In Islam, the rights of the spiritual-self reign above all else. That is, Islamic laws and regulations are structured perfectly in line with the fulfillment of the spiritual, and thus the fulfillment of the individual as a whole. Compare this with secular Western thought and you are offered a stark contrast in outlook with vast differences.

The modern West is largely ruled by impulsive desires and inclinations. It aims to achieve that fulfillment through the exploitation of the physical reality with little to no regard for the ultimate purpose or meaning of life. Important to it is only the progression of material success, delivering a fatal blow to the fulfillment of the soul. While Islam fully acknowledges the reality and caretaking of the ruh (soul) as part of the full scope of human nature, the west trusts its ability to progress moral and social improvement of mankind through material achievements and the relentless chase after scientific thought. But that is a logical error in judgement as no amount of material success can address the immaterial reality. To say that only observable phenomena are the guiding light for mankind is to render the human being as a whole meaningless. Consequently, western thought has suffered a great loss of moral and ideological anchor, it has reduced the human down to only his primitive desires and urges, no more different than the behavior of animals or machines. Muhammad Asad in his book, Islam at the crossroads, put it best:

The fundamental mistake of modern Western thought to regard an increase in material knowledge and comfort as identical with a moral improvement of mankind stems from the equally fundamental mistake of applying biological rules to non-biological facts.

Asad, Mohammad. Islam at the Crossroads. Dar Al Andalus, 1982.

Thus, what has taken place is a murder of the soul. Instead of addressing and adhering to the needs of the spiritual reality, Western thought has led its adherents to a destruction of the self by utilizing the illusion of individual freedom and material success. This has led to mass confusion and hysteria about the mere existence of man, his purpose, and his identity. This is best demonstrated by the sheer number of mental health patients in secular societies, the increased rates of suicide, and the breakdown of the family unit

Therefore, to conclude that the role of society should be to navigate physical life in a way that best allows the development of the spiritual self is the most reasonable ideal. This is the reason why Islamic Law, the Shari`ah, concerns itself with both the spiritual as well as the material side of human life while giving careful regard to both the individual and social aspects at large.  Such a crucial concept can only be utilized when religious thought is allowed to prevail, as the question of the ruh (soul) only arises with the acceptance of a transcendental purpose to human life.

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